This Episode of “Trust Me” is Part 2 of a multi-episode series, which features an interview with Ryan Szczepanik and Ciarán O’Sullivan, the co-authors of the article: “When They Don’t Clap for Anti-SLAPP.” The article appeared in the California Trusts and Estates Quarterly, Volume 28, Issue 1, published in 2022 by the Executive Committee of the Trusts and Estates Section of the California Lawyers Association (“TEXCOM”).
In our first episode with Ryan and Ciarán, we covered the general use of SLAPP lawsuits and anti-SLAPP motions. In this episode, we discuss the application of anti-SLAPP motions in trust and estate disputes, policy considerations and potential legislation concerning anti-SLAPP motions in trust and estate cases, and practical tips for handling anti-SLAPP motions in the probate court.
About our Guests:
Ryan J. Szczepanik, J.D., is a California Certified Specialist in Estate Planning, Trust and Probate Law. He is a Member of TEXCOM.
Ciarán O'Sullivan has litigated the entire range of trust and estate related disputes since 1998. He is a Member of TEXCOM, and is the current chairman of its Litigation sub-committee. He is a frequent writer and presenter on topics of interest to Trusts and Estates litigators, and has published articles in the Trusts and Estates Quarterly, the Daily Journal, and elsewhere on trial and appellate procedure.
About our Host:
Kevin Bryce Jackson represents fiduciaries and individuals throughout California in a wide range of trust and estate matters. He is the New Lawyers Section’s liaison to TEXCOM.
If you have questions, comments, and/or suggestions for future topics, please email Anna Soliman at
Trust Me is Produced by Foley Marra Studios
Thank you for listening to Trust Me!
Trust Me is Produced by Foley Marra Studios
Edited by Todd Gajdusek
This Episode of “Trust Me” is Part 2 of a multi-episode series, which features an interview with Ryan Szczepanik and Ciarán O’Sullivan, the co-authors of the article: “When They Don’t Clap for Anti-SLAPP.” The article appeared in the California Trusts and Estates Quarterly, Volume 28, Issue 1, published in 2022 by the Executive Committee of the Trusts and Estates Section of the California Lawyers Association (“TEXCOM”).
In our first episode with Ryan and Ciarán, we covered the general use of SLAPP lawsuits and anti-SLAPP motions. In this episode, we discuss the application of anti-SLAPP motions in trust and estate disputes, policy considerations and potential legislation concerning anti-SLAPP motions in trust and estate cases, and practical tips for handling anti-SLAPP motions in the probate court.
About our Guests:
Ryan J. Szczepanik, J.D., is a California Certified Specialist in Estate Planning, Trust and Probate Law. He is a Member of TEXCOM.
Ciarán O'Sullivan has litigated the entire range of trust and estate related disputes since 1998. He is a Member of TEXCOM, and is the current chairman of its Litigation sub-committee. He is a frequent writer and presenter on topics of interest to Trusts and Estates litigators, and has published articles in the Trusts and Estates Quarterly, the Daily Journal, and elsewhere on trial and appellate procedure.
About our Host:
Kevin Bryce Jackson represents fiduciaries and individuals throughout California in a wide range of trust and estate matters. He is the New Lawyers Section’s liaison to TEXCOM.
If you have questions, comments, and/or suggestions for future topics, please email Anna Soliman at
Trust Me is Produced by Foley Marra Studios
Thank you for listening to Trust Me!
Trust Me is Produced by Foley Marra Studios
Edited by Todd Gajdusek